Meet Karli

Karli’s wounds, healing over time. With specialised care we didn’t need to amputate. A kangaroo tail provides significant balance, mobility and is used in communication too, so this was a fantastic outcome.

On August 15th, a tiny joey named Karli arrived at Amaris, weighing just 821 grams. Her story began tragically when her mother was killed in a hit and run accident in Munglinup, leaving Karli vulnerable on the side of the road. Fortunately, she was taken in by Lynn from Esperance Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation. Unfortunately , ravens had already begun to attack her, causing serious damage to her tail.

At the time, I wasn't prepared for another joey— Kenny and Katie had just returned home after being critically ill. However, Karli needed someone with wound care experience, so I welcomed her to Amaris as a new buddy for Kenny and Katie. Having spent 40 weeks taking care of Bandit through two tail breaks and osteomyelitis, with the unwavering support of Claire from Karlup Animal Sanctuary and vet nurse Alice, I felt somewhat qualified. With bandage changes up to four times a week, strapping, splints, and bandaging for Bandit, I knew I could help Karli, especially with Claire and Alice by my side.

There was a discussion around whether to amputate the tip of her tail or let it heal and drop off naturally. After a vet visit, it was decided to let her heal on her own. She was only a baby and still 100% in her pouch. Ten weeks later, her bandaging and strapping are off! Karli has been so good through it all and is now enjoying the freedom of hopping around without a heavy bandage.

Karli is a very affectionate girl, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to care for her and support her recovery. A huge thank you to my wound care heroes, Claire and Alice, for your support and advice, and for analyzing the daily, then weekly photos and offering advice and changes to enable a complete recovery.

Karli with her tail bandaged.


Meet Jarew (JRoo)


Meet Espy